
The goal of my research is to understand the emergence of social inequality in a society. I am particularly interested in examining the mechanisms underlying individuals' preferences and decisions, as well as how individuals' decision-making is influenced by institutional structures. To achieve this goal, I use not only an interdisciplinary approach that combines theories and insights from sociology, psychology, and economics, but also apply a wide range of methods such as analyzing surveys, conducting experiments, and qualitative in-depth interviews. While I studied issues of social mobility and educational inequality in my doctoral studies, I nowadays focus on questions of gender inequality in the labor market (e.g., horizontal and vertical gender segregation, gender wage gap, discrimination in hiring).


Women's aversion to majors that (seemingly) require systemizing skills causes gendered field of study choice.
European Sociological Review, 2024.

The social-origin gap in university graduation by gender and immigrant status. A cohort analysis for Switzerland.
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 2021. Joint with Daniel Oesch.

Educational aspirations and decision-making in a context of poverty. A test of rational choice models in El Salvador.
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2020. Joint with Martina Jakob. 

The institutional dimension of class-based educational decision-making: Evidence from regional variation in Switzerland.
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 2019. 

The gender wage gap opens long before motherhood. Panel evidence on early careers in Switzerland.
European Sociological Review, 2019. Joint with Daniel Oesch. 

Runner-up for the ESR Best Article Prize 2020

Late School Tracking, Less Class Bias in Educational Decision-Making? The Uncertainty Reduction Mechanism and Its Experimental Test.
European Sociological Review, 2017. Joint with Joël Berger. 

Best Student Paper Award by ISA RC 45, 2016.

Zum Einfuss von primären und sekundären Effekten der sozialen Herkunft beim zweiten schulischen Übergang in der Schweiz. Ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher Dekompositions- und Operationalisierungsmethoden.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften, 2013.

Zur Entwicklung der intergenerationalen Mobilität in der Schweiz.
Swiss Journal of Sociology, 2012. Joint with Ben Jann. 


Gendered choice of majors and occupations

Gender inequality in the labor market

Educational inequality based on social background

© Header picture: Giampaolo Morgado Braga. Picture showing the Royal Portuguese Cabinet of Reading, Rio de Janeiro.