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The exchange between science and the public is an important concern for me. Therefore, I am available for policymakers in an advisory capacity. I also enjoy informing the general public about scientific findings through lectures and journal articles. My areas of expertise are educational inequality based on social background and gender inequality in the labor market.

For further information, please contact me:

Picture © by Oliver Betke for the German Equal Pay Day

  • Participation in the plenary discussion about diversity in Academia. University of Zurich. June 2023.
  • Keynote on gender stereotypes for the Law Faculty at University of Zurich. June 2023.
  • Keynote on the gender wage gap for the lecture series of the Center of Equality Zurich. February 2022. (watch it here)
  • Keynote for a seminar on elite promotion in Germany. Topic: “Wer hat, dem wird gegeben? Eine kritische Betrachtung der Chancengerechtigkeit im deutschen Bildungssystem”. Organised by the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation Munich. Mai 2021.
  • Opening keynote for the Bavarian Equal Pay Day and participation in the discussion round. Topic: “Zu viel Gefühl, zu wenig Biss? Zu Mythos und Wirklichkeit beim Thema Frauen in Gehaltsverhandlungen”. Organised by the Bavarian Ministry of Social Affairs and Catholic German Women's Association (KDFB). March 2020.
  • Opening keynote for the German Equal Pay Day Forum. Topic: “Zu viel Gefühl, zu wenig Biss? Zu Mythos und Wirklichkeit beim Thema Frauen in Gehaltsverhandlungen”. Organised by the International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW) Germany e.V. on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. November 2019.
  • Interview about educational inequality in the Swiss radio show "Kultur Kompakt", December 21th, 2023. (listen to it here, starting at 5:19)
  • Interview about motherhood wage penalty in the Swiss radio show "Trend", November 8th, 2023. (listen to it here)
  • Interview about educational inequality in Switzerland. Zürcher Studierendenzeitung, November 2023. (read it here)
  • Interview about social mobility in Switzerland. 20 Minuten, August 14th, 2023. (PDF)
  • Interview about educational inequality and high school entry tests in the Swiss radio show "Seidisera", March 14th, 2023. (listen to it here)
  • Interview about educational inequality and social mobility in Switzerland in the Swiss radio show "Echo der Zeit" with Nora Meuli. January 10th, 2023. (listen to it here)
  • Interview about science communication in the podcast "SciComm Palaver" with Sabine Gysi. April 6th, 2021. (listen to it here)
  • TV interview and scientific support for the TV show “SRF Forward” on the question of educational inequality in Switzerland. SRF. January 7th, 2021. (watch it here)
  • Interview and expert for the article: “Gelernte Rollenbilder zementieren Lohnlücke.” with Jonas Raab. Die Wirtschaftszeitung, January 2021. (PDF)
  • Live interview in the TV show “Abendschau” about the gender pay gap and the role of negotiations. Bayerischer Rundfunk. March 17th, 2020. (watch it here)

  • "Die männliche "Oppenheimer"-Show. Schweizer Wissenschaftlerinnen kritisieren Erfolgsfilm." by Benjamin Weinmann. Watson, August 2023. (PDF)
  • "Fachkräftemangel in der Schweiz. Sie hat es geschafft – trotz der Hürden." by Simone Luchetta. Tagesanzeiger, June 2023. (PDF)
  • Grosse Autos und viel Fleisch – sind Männer schlechter fürs Klima?” by Michelle Ineichen and Thomas Obrecht. 20 Minuten, December 2022. (PDF)
  • “Eltern wehren sich gegen Schul-Algorithmus.” by Simone Luchetta. Sonntagszeitung, September 2021. (PDF)
  • “Gelernte Rollenbilder zementieren Lohnlücke.” by Jonas Raab. Die Wirtschaftszeitung, January 2021. (PDF)
  • “Gemütliches Beisammensein im Elfenbeinturm.” by Diana Frei. Surprise, September 2020. (PDF)
  • “In Zürich ist das Gerangel um Gymiplätze am härtesten.” by Simone Luchetta and Edgar Schuler. Tagesanzeiger, July 2020. (PDF)

  • "Nur für Nerds? Was Frauen von MINT-Berufen fernhält". uniAktuell – Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern. Fall 2023. (full journal, article)
  • “Zu viel Gefühl, zu wenig Biss? Mythen und tatsächliche Ursachen des Gender Pay Gaps”. Journal zum Equal Pay Day 2020: 8 – 9. (article)
  • “Die Lohnungleichheit zwischen Männern und Frauen beginnt lange vor der Familiengründung / L'inégalité salariale entre hommes et femmes commence bien avant la  
      fondation d'une
    famille”. Social Change in Switzerland, Number 18, June 2019. (with Daniel Oesch) (german version / french version)
  • “Lohnungleichheit startet lange vor der Mutterschaft / L’inégalité salariale entre les sexes commence bien avant la maternité”. In Tagesanzeiger, Der Bund, Le Temps.
    June 7th, 2019. (with Daniel Oesch)

  • Allianz Chance Plus. Für gerechte Bildungschancen im Jugendalter. (Weblink)
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